Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Friday, October 22, 2004


Good Afternoon. I started thinking about the future and what I'm going to be doing in that future...and for some reason...I decided to start a blog. Don't ask!
This is my first post so it is going to be short.
Today is a Friday...I went to the Hawthorne Trail this morning and did a brick workout...very enjoyable, especially seeing lots of deer grazing at 8 in the morning.
I rushed back for a doctors appointment (all is healthy) and then visited 3 of my past swim coaches at the high school District swim meet that is going on in the O-dome.
Talked to Coach Steve about our upcoming trip to South Africa for the World Cup swim meet...and about how well he is doing working out with my mom in the pool (he's back in the water for the first time since 1989!).
Now, I must attempt some packing so that Dustin and I can get out of Gainesville as soon as this afternoon swim practice is over! I'm looking forward to visiting home for the weekend...and taking Dustin home for the first time since he started college!


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