Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

27 hours!!

It took a total of 27 hours to get from my room in Colorado Springs to my hotel room in Gamagori, Japan! That was a lot of traveling! I stayed awake for most of it (a few short naps on the plane) but the sports science people told us to stay awake for as long as possible and then sleep when we got to the hotel...well, the 'sleep at the hotel' part wasn't very hard! We were exausted when we got here...I took a quick shower and slept like a rock for 10 hours! Jaz and I are sharing a room and we both woke up this morning around 7am...went upstairs for breakfast...and then explored our surroundings. As a team...we went for a 30 min jog at 10ish, an hour swim at 12ish, and a 50 min bike at 3ish. My body feels nice and loose after all that time getting the blood flowing. I'm kinda on the local time...it's about 5pm here and I am just starting to get sleepy. Finding 'normal' food is a bit hard b/c we are in a very small city (the larger areas have Americanized stuff) but I've packed munchies for emergencies and there are a few stores that have some things that I might eat:).
Right now I am relaxing in Jenna and Michelle's room (right next to Jaz and my room) because Jenna has a computer with internet access. The TV is on a station that is reporting the devistation in Lousiana and Mississippi from the hurricane so we know that the Japanesse care.
We heard today that the U23 race is NOT going to be broadcast live on the ITU site...but we are going to try to talk to some people in charge and see if they will change that because we all have a lot of people at home that would love to hear our races live!
I will keep you all posted on things here...but right now I want a nap:)


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