Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Aloha & Mahalo (I can speak Hawaiian:)

From the lobby of my hotel in Honolulu, Hawaii! I can’t believe how beautiful the water and the mountains are here on this island…I’ve taken a few photos so far and I can’t wait to load them on my computer when I get home (unfortunately, I did not remember that cord from camera – computer).
We’ve biked around town, seen the race area, run on part of the course, drove the whole bike course, walked through the stores, eaten dinner on the beach, swam in the ocean, and enjoyed the Hawaiian atmosphere. I’m loving my time here and can’t wait for the next adventure.
At 11:30am, some of my teammates and I are walking down to the beach for a pre-race interview by OLN (they are filming and broadcasting the race:)! I’ll have to make this blog short because I need all the 2 hours between then and now to go primp and get ready for the cameras…I sure hope that everyone realizes that was a bit of sarcasm!
Later this afternoon, Katie Baker (she works for USA Triathlon and is a good friend of mine) is going to drive some of us to the North Shore and we are all going to eat dinner there! I’m so excited to see some more of the Island…photos will be taken and posted later…I promise, DAD!
Alright…now it’s time to buckle down, type out the last few pages of my Statistics final exam and then submit it online! Thanks to everyone who sent good-luck wishes to me…I really love getting those, its encouragement to race hard for all the people who have supported me through my life!
Like always…if you want to be on my race press release email list, let me know at sara7411@hotmail.com. ALOHA!


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