Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My Credit Card is on FIRE

I think I set a personal record yesterday…by spending over $300 in less than 45 minutes! The majority of that went to the UCCS book store for a HUGE stack of reading materials for my two MBA classes that start in a few weeks. I had to purchase my books early and I’ve already packed a few to take with me to Europe because the classes start on August 21st. One professor was nice…only one text for the Economics class. But for the “Leading and Managing” class I’ve got 4 books and a packet of CDs…causes a bit of pain in my wallet! $197 disappeared at that register.
On the drive home I stopped for gas (not loving my SUV right now) and it was $2.93 per gallon. I’ve heard that Colorado is pretty low compared to the rest of the country…well, if $2.93 is low, I feel sorry for everyone else. $40 disappeared at that register.
The last place on my list was Colorado Cyclist for some bike supplies, a chain and a grease injector to be exact. Neither of those items was cheap or on sale and $63 dollars disappeared at that register!
Tonight I went to a yummy Mexican restaurant with a group of friends. We were having a small ‘good-bye’ party for Mark Fretta who has decided to leave the OTC and start law school! It was a restaurant I’ve never visited before…and I look forward to going back:) Mark broke his collar bone in a crash about 1 month ago…I guess he’s decided that that marked the end of his triathlon career. I wish him the best of luck!


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