Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Dinner Party

Last night we had a great time at the McLarty house. We managed to fit 9 people around the dinning room table for a home-made pasta dinner (thanks to Dad who made the pasta and bread from scratch and Mom who arranged the salad and banana splits for desert)!
Doug and Yvonne came with Majik gifts from Croatia. Charlie, Cherl, and Martha also added to the celebration. Trek was the star of the show playing with his plastic bags in the living room.
I have never fallen asleep so quick as I did last night and woke up to the sound of Angel chirping and Dad starting to cook waffles.
Grandma showed up around 9am and we all stuffed ourselves on pecan waffles and fresh fruit. Trek continued to be the star...playing with Buggaboo and his plastic bag.
As for the rest of my morning, I read the comics page, cut out some coupons (college life!), and read a book. It's a beautiful day outside and I don't want the whole thing to go to waste so I'm trying to think of something fun (and not strenous) to do.
Until I come up with something...I'm browsing the internet and starting to create my 2005 Triathlon race schedule. All I can figure out so far is that I'm going to race St. Anthony's!!!


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