Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I Love Surprises!

OHHHHHHH...I'm sooooo tired! This has been an incredible week of training (okay, four days) and I am just about to keel over!
Monday, in COS, I fit a 2000 meter time-trial and a strength workout in between all of my last-minute packing, shipping, and flights to Orlando. If sitting on a plane all afternoon wasn't enough to wear me out, getting home and into bed after midnight definitely did the trick.
And then I thought that Tuesday morning I could just roll out of bed, unpack, lounge around, and get back on Florida time. Good thing I logged onto my TrainingPeaks early because I had a surprise from Cliff: "90 minute bike ride with 15 x 15 second jumps in the early AM...3-4 hours after ride: 50 minute run, build to 1/2 marathon pace (which, by the way, I have NO clue what my 1/2 marathon pace is:)...and 5K hard swim with team after run."
So I did a quick bit of math in my head (yes, smoke was pouring out my ears:) and realized that if swimming starts at 3:30pm...minus a 30 minute drive to the pool...minus 60 minutes for the run...minus 3 hours of break after the bike...minus a 90 minute bike ride.............
OH CRAP! I've got to be on my bike like right NOW!
DOUBLE OH CRAP!! My bike is still in the bike box in the back of my car!!
That made for one of the speediest bike-builds that I have ever performed! Fortunately, I put it all on in the right places and tightened everything so there were no mishaps down the road as I accelerated to Top Gear:).
So now it's Wednesday morning...and I get more gifts from Cliff waiting in TrainingPeaks. Hard bike followed immediately by a hard run. (Yes, that is called a 'hard brick' but I was just writing it as two separate entities because it makes for a better story.) Oh yeah, and don't forget afternoon swim practice.
And just when I thought that I can't handle ANY more...this morning starts off with a freaking TRACK workout! I had mixed emotions during the plethora of 400s, 800s, and 1600s that I was racing around the track. First, there was happiness because I'm actually RUNNING! And, second, lots of -------. Basically, I didn't have enough energy to think and run at the same time. "Right foot, left foot, right foot..." was taking up 99% of my mental capacity at the time.
Oh yeah, and don't forget about afternoon swim practice!


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