Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


According to the mail I received yesterday, I will be graduating on December 18th at 2pm in the O'Connell Center. Now all I have to do is finish the classes that I'm taking and get decent grades. Grades are funny, as a freshman...they were the most important thing to me. By last year, I cared so little about them that I don't even remember what I ended up with!
I've got one project that is taking up most of my free time right now, my documentary on the DeLand Majik skydiving team. Some how I have to sift through 5 hours of footage and make an 8 minute (or less) final movie. I will be spending the every moment of the next two weekends in the editing room at the college of Journalism...got to get it done before departing for South Africa.
Speaking of SA...14 days 'til departure on November 17th. I talked to Darien yesterday (he's a freshman on the swim team and is also participating in the Durban World Cup) and he said that we're probably on the same flight. He also mentioned that the jet lag from the 15hour flight hits you on the second and third day after arrival...which will be right in the middle of the swim meet!
Here is a link to the Durban World Cup web site: http://www.durbanworldcup.co.za/


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