Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Korea Adventures

Groff, Haskins, and Jarrod on the walk down to the beach. This is where we did our open water swim workout today. Everything was perfect...the water, the waves, the beach, the sand, and the sun!

This image captures the funniest event of this trip so far...Nate and Cliff rented an inflatable row-boat to come out in the water and coach us. They had these flimsy plastic oars that bent when they paddled because they were putting some force into their strokes to try and keep up with us (swimming was much faster)!

Smiling after a lovely day in the water!

Walking through the Korean market this afternoon. (That's Groff, Scott, Nate and Haskins walking in front of me.) It was like 200 meters of live sea life meeting its end (octopus, squid, cuttlefish, sea cucumbers, and lots of fish).

Groff checking out some fresh sea cucumbers...yummy!

When we were walking around the shopping district tonight, we heard music coming from a side street...it was some street performers. I didn't really understand the story they were dancing about but this guy was in blue on a tall ladder...

...and this lady was in all white with wings. I am going to upload a short video of these guys next.


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