Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Friday, May 30, 2008

If My Inbox Could Speak

Today is a big day for Sara McLarty. I find out if my offer for the huge Clermont house was accepted! Understandably, I'm very excited and anxious to hear the news...which is why I have checked my email five times today and it isn't even 10:00am yet! If it was a physical button that I was pushing, I think the "Check Mail" logo would have been slightly worn off from my constant button-pushing!
So until the good (or bad) news arrives, I will just continue puttering around my parent's place doing chores and twiddling my thumbs. There is still plenty of paperwork to take care of with my mortgage consultant, regardless of the results from this house. My next offer will be on a much smaller, but equally charming house, on Carroll Street. This one has a ton of potential and plenty of yard space to satisfy my growing desire to garden.
I just finished a great book: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. It is about a family in the northeast that eats for a year off what they grow on their farm and what they buy from the local farmer's market. So, they have really inspired me to a least attempt a tomato plant or something! Of course, with my high ambitions, my first reaction was to say that I want a chicken coop in the backyard. I estimated that I could feed one or two chickens from my kitchen scraps and have fresh eggs in return...yeah, then I realized that I travel a LOT and I don't know how well chickens would go over in an average American neighborhood.
When you are born on a farm and help raise fresh beef, collect fresh eggs, eat fresh citrus, pick blueberries out the back door, etc...your common sense must get a little out of proportion with how the average population gardens. So, I have lowered the expectations I set for myself and decided that tackling a vegetable plant or two might be within my abilities. Fortunately, Florida is a pretty easy state for gardening (no June freezes) and my yard will only have space for a few eatable plants.
But more on the whole gardening thing later...I do tend to get ahead of myself sometimes...and back to the HOUSE thing. I will update my blog as soon as I get an answer!


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