Working Hard?
Or hardly working?
Day two of the Clermont Project has come to a close. My Mom, Dad, and I are in the truck…almost back to the McLarty Farm. We just spent about 10 hours at my new house continuing the 'Project'. That will officially be how I refer to all the work that is going to be done before I officially consider myself 'moved in'.
The Project started yesterday. Dad and I drove over with a truck full of stuff...items included the wrought iron dining room and living room set, boxes of my things, and some cleaning supplies. Our 'to-do' list for the day was to tackle the garage. Dad pressure washed the entire floor and all the walls while I was in the house tackling the cleaning of the guest bathroom.
After the garage was clean and dry (and after Dad and I went to Lowes for supplies and Chipotle for dinner) we commenced painting.
Today it was the three of us…with another truck load of stuff. Items on this trip included the lawn mower to tackle the jungle of grass and weeds in the yard, more boxes of my things, and some painting supplies.
While my Mom and I were in the house cleaning and prepping the guest bedrooms and bathroom for painting, my Dad was out in the garage installing a garage-door-opener. The daily trip to Lowes was our only break from the non-stop work and as soon as we were back with paint I started rolling it onto the walls.
This paint was a bit more important that the white garage. I chose my 'guest' color…which is officially called Pale Apple 2…to cover the walls of both the bedrooms and the bathroom on the East side of the house (the master suite is on the West).
After another 10 hour day in Clermont, I now have one room in Pale Apple 2 and an installed (but not functioning, yet) garage-door-opener. This is going to take a bit longer than I thought!
I bought a house last November, and I'm still painting and fixing!
Congratulations and good luck with it all, lots of work for sure, but so fun when it's your own home.
11:52 AM
I'd like to see if you guys would like to come to Georgia for a visit. We have some real nice rides and while you're here I've got some painting projects.
I know funny right.
I think you should rally enjoy the process some of the best times I've had with my folks was working on my house.
Good times!
Brian & Emily MacDonald
2:30 PM
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