Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

IronKids National Champs in Tempe, Arizona

After my short visit to Colorado Springs...I spent a few days at home, training and relaxing...and then I was off to the airport again. This time my trip was to Tempe, Arizona (second time I've traveled there in 2005). It was the weekend of the Ironkids National Championships...and I was invited to talk to the kids, help out with the race, and hand out awards.
After sitting at the gate for an extra 45 minutes in Orlando, we finally made it to the Phoenix airport. I had missed my ride so I got a taxi and some sketchy directions from Tom (the race director) to meet the staff at dinner. I sure was glad that I wasn't late to that dinner! It was at one of the nicest steak & seafood restaurants I have ever been to...it was Sara Lee's present to the Ironkids staff at the end of the race season. We pigged out on some of the most amazing food I've ever had...of course the filet I ate was heaven on a plate and I took everyone's word that the seafood was amazing.
We got back to the hotel around 1am and I was just glad to finally lie down and get some sleep...my day had started 20 hours earlier with swim practice in Daytona. The next morning (Saturday) I was at the race site helping set up the last minute details for packet pick-up and orientation. It was a busy day running around...of course I loved every minute of it and I try to learn as much as I can so that I might one day run my own races! We had about 70 kids pick up packets...I made sure all the new racers could swim...we got the transition set up for the early morning race...and then the staff and myself grabbed some food, went shopping, and relaxed.
The park where the race was held was very beautiful...a nice lake, lots of trails, a pool, playgrounds, etc. On Monday, after the race, I went for a jog from the hotel and ended up running around the park (which I didn't get to see very much of while I was working in the registration and pool area!). Annmarie, one of the Ironkids staff and a new friend of mine, went to highschool in the area and said they ran lots of cross country meets in the park (see why I liked running in it?!:)
On Sunday morning, following a 6am wakeup...I was back at the park to help out with anything that needed help on race morning. I liked being in the transition area when all the families show up to answer any questions. I love getting the questions...because I'm sure one of the McLarty family asked that exact question at one point in time during our Ironkids career! It actually ended up being very cold on the race morning so I kept telling parents to hurry and get their kids inside the pool area to keep warm...it was a lovely 80 degrees in there.
The race went very smooth...as it always does...and I was honored to give out the national championship medals and trophies at the awards ceremony. All the kids were still cold from the race but they loved getting their medals! After the awards, nothing exciting to write about, unless you want to read about all the cleanup and tear down and packing that went on?! The girls went shopping again...I made myself window shop thank goodness! And then, after the Monday morning run that I mentioned already, I was on a plane back to Florida.
It was sad to hear some of the problems that the Ironkids races might be having in the future...Sara Lee (the bakery company) is pulling the Ironkids bread product from their line of food and might not financially support the race in the future. I had a great suggestion: contact Lance Armstrong (the most famous former Ironkid) and warn him that his kids might not have the opportunity to do the amazing race series that he grew up on! It could be the "Armstrong Ironkids" triathlon series...just another one of my many brilliant ideas! Haha...but seriously, I'm going to contact the Armstrong foundation and see what happens...wish me (and Ironkids) luck!


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