Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Tuscaloosa Photos

Riding in the parade on Thursday afternoon...Manny and I in the red convertable!

After the parade we had a nice Opening Ceremonies...the 21 Trials athletes are in a row on the left side.
This is from this morning's school visit...I'm talking to the students about my bike and how cycling shoes work.
Me in the middle of all the Matthews' Elementary School 5th graders.
This photo was taken from our third-floor hotel room window. The NBC crew was interviewing a few of the Trials athletes for sound bites during the national show (sometime in May).

Remember when I was in Tucson a few weeks ago and I mentioned that I had taken a lot of photos but couldn't upload them to my blog because I had left the camera-to-computer cord at my house?!? Okay, so even if you don't remember that, it happened and I blogged about it (there's not much I don't blog about:).
Well, here we are in Tuscaloosa, killing time in the hotel room before tomorrow's race. And of course, I mentioned to my Dad that I forgot the stupid cord again so I would have to wait until I got home to upload all the good photos.
Yeah, so he walked over to my computer, picked it up and said: "This looks like a camera-card slot, why don't you just upload them that way?" I was like, "No way!" And he was like "Yes way!" (Well, actually, that last part didn't really happen:)
Long story short, here I am discovering even more things that I didn't know about my computer...enjoy the photos!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Luck, Sara!!!

9:55 PM


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