2 to go!
2 assignments to finish
2 classes to attend
2 days of school left
2 more boxes to fit in my car
I'm definitely not on East Coast time yet. I fell asleep by 9:30 last night and I was wide awake at 6:30 this morning. That is a bit different from my normal habit of 11pm-9am:) But I made the most of being awake so early and went on another jog around Lake Alice. I'm going to miss that 3 mile path when I'm gone. I'm going to miss a lot of things herein Gainesville, that was just one example:)
I made a trip to the local Goodwill yesterday with 4 bags of stuff. Then I had to force myself to not go shopping on the way home!
I'm listening to the soundtrack of Love Actually...favorite song: "I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes"! Time to start getting into the Christmas spirit!

This is a great book! I suggest it to anyone...and it would make great Christmas presents too! It's about 100 women in 100 different sports...it is about their search for the Superwoman inside themselves.
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