Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Leavin'...on a jet plane

The alarm is set...you don't really want to know what time it's set for...thanks to Darien, it's an hour earlier than it should be. He owes me breakfast in Atlanta!
There might be a problem, when I carried my bag down to the car...I'm pretty sure that it is over 70 pounds (the limit on Delta for a bag or you have to pay extra). I can't imagine what is so heavy, clothes aren't heavy, swimsuits don't weigh much. I guess the problem is that I have crammed enough of everything into this huge bag that I could live out of it for a few months! Oh well, I have an extra hour at the G-ville airport in case I need to leave a few things in the car.
Speaking of the car...I'm a little nervous to be leaving it with my semi-responsible brother for over 2 weeks. At least this time there isn't a racing bike in the back that someone could steal when dumb Dustin leaves a window completely down!
The bus just drove by with the Gators returning from FSU where they kicked butt. Dustin swam a great 1000 free, 200 back and 200IM. Their next meet is the US Open in Texas, starting on December 2nd. Since I'm returning to G-ville on the 4th...I guess that means I won't be seeing my lil'bro for quite a long time!
Next post will be from South Africa!


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