Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Monday, January 02, 2006

And I Thought I'd NEVER Need It!

So there I was in December of 2004...graduating from college...I was DONE! Finished! No more school! All those school supplies that I had accumulated during 4.5 years of college went straight to the basement when I moved home. Out of sight and out of mind, forever!
Or so I thought!
After all those happy promises to myself about never going to class again...I only made it to November of 2005 until I found myself taking the GMAT test to get into Graduate school. And for some reason, they accepted me!
So, the other day, I ventured down to the basement to retrieve some supplies that might come in handy during the next 5 years it's going to take to get my MBA:)! While I was looking through the school supplies, I started looking through the boxes of clothes, swimsuits, extra toiletries, CDs, etc. that I also stored in the basement.
Now, 4 days before I head back to COS...I've got a 55 pound BOX of things to ship to myself! Yeah, some of it is for school...some of it is clothes...a few Christmas presents from last week...but mostly: I CAN'T figure out WHAT I put in the box!!
But I do know that it sure will be fun to open it up at the OTC and see what I sent to myself:)!!


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