Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Ice and Advil

I'm sore, sore, sore! Nope, it wasn't a hard training day (come on...it's December...who trains hard in December??)...

I was asked to fill in for a missing teammate on the GOOFBALLS dodgeball team...sounded like a ton of fun so I said yes. I drove out to the Eagle View Middle School a bit before 8pm so that I could join my friends to watch the 7:30 game. It was a quick way to learn all the rules and secrets (like rolling the balls back).

Our game started at 8pm against a team who correctly named themselves "The Nancies". I threw a couple balls, dodged a lot of balls, and caught no balls...I won one game by hitting the other team's last player:)...I got hit out once but got to go back in when Troy caught a ball...I got one jammed finger (from my own teammate, no less)...I finished with a sore shoulder...and our team won with a score of 7 games to zero!!

Too much fun!! Here's a photo of the GOOFBALLS after the game: left to right: Haven, me, MJ, Deb, Troy, Brandon, Jeff.


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