Almost Forgot

Why do I care about this section of beach in South America? Because I am going to be RACING on it on July 15th in the PAN AMERICAN GAMES TRIATHLON!!
Did totally forget to mention that little bit of EXCITING news after the Des Moines race last weekend? Well, let me fill you in on the details:
In Honolulu last month at our National Champs...Julie Swail earned the first slot. With Laura Bennett winning the race (and being the first American woman across the line) she grabbed the second slot. Sarah Haskins earned the third and final slot through a complicated points system combining our Honolulu and Des Moines finish places. I was officially awarded the 'alternate' slot by way of the same points system.
So that was pretty cool and I was proud to have even come close to making the team with all the strong American women out there. I had stated my 2007 Triathlon competition goals at the beginning of the season. One goal was to finish in the Top 10 at a World Cup...see Vancouver...goal ACCOMPLISHED! Another goal was to improve my 10K run split...see every race but Des Moines...goal ACCOMPLISHED! I'm working on another goal which is to qualify for the USAT Elite World Champ the 4th ranked American woman, I am on track to make that team!
Qualifying for the Pan American Games Team was a very important goal on my list...and since I got a phone call on Monday from Laura Bennett and she told me that she was giving up her slot so that I can go compete...goal ACCOMPLISHED!!! Yep, I was an alternate for one day and now I'm an official team member. My paperwork is being soon as I get back from Canada this weekend my passport will be sent off for a Brazil Visa...I'm training for the flat course...and I'm planning my travel plans to Rio via Washington, DC for processing and outfitting!
But the saying here is "take it one race at a time" and I've still got the Edmonton World Cup this weekend. I leave the Springs on Friday morning, arrive in Edmonton at 2pm...just in time for the mandatory pre-race meeting at 5pm!
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