Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Weekend Race Recap

First, I wasn't at a race this weekend. It was very sad to just sit at home and watch the results pour in...but I know that it IS what is best for me in the long run (ie...Cancun in 3 weeks). Basically, I'm approaching 4 weeks of NO running because my foot is bothering me SOOO much. I'm continuing to work with the trainers in Sports Med, and doing all the rehab I can think of. I will see the Doctor on Wednesday and probably know more after that.
Second, the Hawaii Ironman was on Saturday and it was the first time that I actually had a close friend and training partner in the race...Sam McGlone! So I enjoyed the afternoon in my room with the live video coverage streaming on my computer and watched her have a fantastic race and finish in Second Place! That is an amazing feat considering it was her FIRST full-Ironman-distance race!
Third, the Dallas US Open Triathlon was on Sunday. I was entered in this race and I had a plane ticket to the city. Since I knew that I couldn't run for three minutes, let alone a 10K race, I decided to cancel my ticket earlier last week and check the results on-line. I was thrilled to hear that another good friend and training partner, Sarah Haskins, WON the women's race!
Fourth...Since both these ladies are arriving back in COS tomorrow, I gathered some colored paper, markers, balloons, ribbon, tape, and scissors in my room. Then I recruited Jasmine and Sarah Groff to come make 'Congrats' signs to hang on Sam's garage door and Sarah's front door. We just returned from our late-night drive around town to duct-tape and our crazy creations in place! We just have to keep our fingers crossed that they don't blow down before the recipients see our creativity! (I can't believe that I didn't take any photos!!)
Fifth...another week of good, hard training has commenced. Dare I say that yesterday, Sunday, was a complete DAY OFF!! I slept in, ate a big brunch, read some books, solved some Sudoku (which actually ended up being all wrong in the end) went shopping, etc, (typical day-off things). But that is just a fleeting memory as I get back to the hard part of this job with a hard swim, bike, AND run on tomorrow's schedule!


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