My Newest Profession?
Bear with me as I get a bit artsy on you now. I attempted some nature photography this morning during Matty's trail run in Los Osos Park. The scenes were just too amazing to pass up and fortunately, I had my camera on hand this time so I can do more than just write about it.
We rolled out of the house around 8:00am for a 15 minute drive west to the coast. The day was still slightly chilly and there was a thick layer of fog lingering in the hills. As Matt rocked out a long run along the coast (see photo below of the one time I saw him in action) I took the opportunity to slowly walk along the trail and capture as much of my surroundings as possible.View from the parking lot down to the cove.
The least frightened bunny I could find (meaning: the closest one I could get to for a photo:)
This photo doesn't nearly show how close these guys were flying to me and the edge of the cliff.
Some more slightly friendly wildlife along the trail.
Check out this trail…makes you want to come here and run everyday, huh?
This one is the money-maker. B-E-A-utiful!
The coolest wildlife of the day were these adorable birds that I spotted near the picnic area. I have no idea what kind of birds they are (a local might be able to identify them easily...thanks Dad: California Quail) but it was three adults and eight or nine babies! They totally reminded me of our turkeys at home, but in miniature. Anyways, the coolest part was the one bird on the picnic table. He/She was apparently the look-out bird while all the others chowed down on the bugs below. I must have watched them for 15 minutes and the guard-bird never left his/her post…talk about diligence!
So when Matty was finished with his workout, we headed home for some chow, but he took a slight detour and showed me a wicked-cool hide-out-tree. Man, this would be heaven for any kid who loves to play 'fort'!
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