Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Friday, August 01, 2008

From Dustin in Europe

Everyone, I just finished 2 great days in Rome. The city is amazing, there is stuff everywhere. I walked from 9am to 3pm yesterday without really stoping much. I probably walked 15 miles around this amazing city. I kept finding really cool things, a fountain on top of the hill across the river that people were playing in, a peach larger than a softball at a vendor stand. It was an amazing peach, and delicious. The gelato is awesome too.
We are off to Florence today, so I will check in again when I can.

And here, in the heart of America's farmland, in southern California in the middle of the summer...I bought THREE peaches the size of softballs yesterday at the Farmer's Market in downtown SLO. I plan on grilling them tonight...yummm!
Other than that, training is going great for me as I just try to keep up with Matt. I've got about 48 more hours on the West Coast and then I'm heading back to Florida mid-day Sunday....and back to work at my house!


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