Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Saturday, August 02, 2008


I am so proud of what I have achieved during the past week. I managed to hang on to 2/3rds of Matty Reed's training session for exactly ONE week! From last Friday afternoon until this morning I was doing pretty good...and then, 10 miles into the Saturday ride, it was just an explosion (or IMplosion) and my legs refused to cooperate anymore!!
All I asked was for them to keep going around-and-around-and-around in little circles, pushing hard up the hills, chilling on the down hills...but they refused! They could not give me another decent pedal stroke today!
Fortunately, I was able to group up with two other riders familiar with the area and we formed our own little group that rode at an acceptable pace for three hours, totaling 50 miles.
Back at the rental house, I waited for another TWO hours until Matty rolled in at the conclusion of the main group's ride...and I was VERY glad that I fell off the pace early enough and didn't hold up the group!
The Matty Reed Pre-Olympic Training Camp in SLO is almost over...I will be flying back to Florida at 11:30am tomorrow. Around two hours into the bike ride today, I decided that I would not be participating in a single athletic activity tomorrow...just waking up, fixing breakfast, packing my bags, heading to the airport, and relaxing in First Class all the way to Orlando!


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