Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Races, Races, Races!

You know training is going well when I can start thinking and talking about RACES! I'm stir crazy for races...after a year of barely any competitions, I'm looking forward to toeing the starting-lines in 2009!
Anyways, it was actually an email that got me thinking on this train-of-thought. Ryan from 11 Global sent me an email late last week. He invited me down to Cape Town, South Africa to compete in an International Distance race on March 1st! It was easy to turn-down the offer using insufficient-funds as a reason (um, who isn't broke right now). But, then his return email offered to pay for all my travel and lodging for the trip!
HOW could I say NO??
Well, I thought, pause for a moment and run the idea by my coach since we have not planned a race schedule yet. We looked at some of the other early season races...some in closer proximity...and decided to stay home at the beginning of March. Instead of traveling 21 hours by plane just to get to Jo-burg, I'm just going to drive a couple hours south and race the Miami International triathlon on March 15th. A couple of my friends did the race last year and had nothing but good things to say about the race.
Other than that, I will be racing Florida's Great Escape on February 15th...right here in Clermont. My favorite race, St. Anthony's, will be over in St. Petersburg on April 26th.
I'm even thinking about a couple of 5K run races in the months of January and February. 2 years ago I did Lady Track Shack, finished 2nd overall, and I would love to be able to go back and perform well again. There is a 5K in the Orlando area every weekend so I've got plenty to choose from.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The M.I.T. is a great race. I did this race last year and I agree with the people who told you it was a well put together race. The water was perfect and calm, the bike was beautiful with a couple challenging climbs over the causeway bridge, and the run is on a trail that is completly shaded-just have to watch your footing. The downside to the race is the parking situation and the walk from the lot to the transition/start area. Its a really bad area-fences that are half pulled down, broken glass on the asphalt, potholes, etc-its like a dump right there. But once you get over to where the race start is its all better. I hope to do this race again this upcoming year. The only conflict I have is the Gate River Run in Jax is the day before and I've done that run for 5 years in a row now and its one of my favorites. I haven't decided which race I'll do. But I wish you the very best of luck in doing this race, I know you'll do fabulously. ~Melissa S. G'ville

11:49 PM


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