Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Good story before nap time!

I’m having a hard time staying awake at this moment. But I think I should write a blog before I head off for ‘nap time’!
I just came back into my room after eating a fantastic brunch in the cafeteria. Charlie made me a delish omelet on the grill (ham, cheeses, peppers, onions) and I treated myself to a Belgium waffle with banana topping. Oh…and of course I started it all off with a hot cocoa…can’t forget that!
Lets see what I did do earn all these tasty little treats…went on a 3 hour, 50 mile, bike ride with quite a bit of climbing…AND the high temp of the day is 31 degrees…I had to wear like every warm thing I have for biking. It was one of my favorite rides of all time. I rode south on 115 (which is the same road I drive on when I go skiing at Monarch) for about 1h 15m with some of the cycling guys from the training center. They were taking it easy for the first bit…and when they started picking up their pace, I was like “see ya”:)! I rode back into town at about 2h 15m so I added another 20m riding north and then came back to the training center.
I was never unbearably cold…but I didn’t like waiting at the stoplights and going 40mph downhill was a bit chilly. I was actually looking FORWARD to the climbs (that was a new thing for me!) because I knew that I would warm up by the top.
The best part was the beautiful area that I got to ride through. The snow from Thursday’s big snow storm is still around in ¾ force (meaning the roads are semi clear but everywhere else is still white) and south on 115 is “nowhere’s-ville”. It was nice white covered hills and clear blue sky. The key to being comfortable was wearing black clothes because the sun was keeping the black nice and warm. The traffic was not too bad, 99% of the road had a nice wide shoulder that 2 or 3 bikers could ride side-by-side and not be in the traffic lanes.
So, that awesome ride (combined with going out last night and getting to bed at 1am) made me a bit tired. I’ve got some loads of laundry running right now…5 minutes and they need to go into the drier. I’m thinking about making a trip to Wal-mart for some supplies (toothpaste, pins for my world map, and 2cent stamps). The 2nd week of online business classes starts today…week 1 was okay, mostly a refresher on how to create graphs in Microsoft Excel.
I mentioned above that we had a snow storm this week…came in around noon on Thursday…that  morning we went to Bear Creek trails for a run workout and we could see the storm heading our direction (we could definitely FEEL it coming because I was FREEZING in not enough clothes). Our bike ride in the mountains that afternoon was canceled and moved to the basement cycling room…which was okay because I had a good ride that I was very happy with (and I would have been miserable in the blizzard in the mountains!). So lots of the snow is still hanging around because it has yet to WARM UP since the storm…but looking out at the mountains and hills with beautiful white frosting is a plus! It’s also a plus to know that I’m going to the SUMMER in about 17 days…who wants to see another photo of the beach I’m heading too?? Just kidding, I will wait at least another day before posting a new one!:)


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