Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Day 2 Recap

Swim practice was great…two hard sets (10 x 150s and 10 x 100s) and I was ready to get out and go to breakfast.
Ultimate Frisbee was great…the sun was shinning, the wind was blowing, and once we moved the dead squirrel out of the playing field…we played for about an hour. This is the “funnest” way to workout!
The mountain bike ride was great…I went to Red Rocks Canyon with 3 good friends and explored some new trails. Unfortunately…I managed to completely EAT SH*T on a gravelly downhill…hit the ground with my hip and slid about 8 feet on my elbow…resulting in some SWEET trail-rash!
When I got back to the OTC and went to sports-med to get the deep scrapes cleaned out…they said I probably needed STITCHES! Thank goodness the doctor had already gone home!! There was NO WAY I was going to let someone poke MORE holes in my skin…so I’ve got a couple of Steri-Strips holding the biggest gash together and I probably wont be in the pool for a few days (easiest way to get infections)!.
Tomorrow…Bobby McGee is in town again and hosting another drill session. All I know is that Jasmine went to Bobby’s last drill session one day after BREAKING her elbow…I think I’ll be able to manage just fine with a little scrape on my elbow:). This is the perfect time to work with Bobby so that I get a refresher course on my running technique before starting into BASE training (so far I’ve run a whopping 4 miles since I started base).
Other than training…the 3rd episode of The Office is on at 7:30pm tomorrow…party in Tim’s room!!


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