Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I Never Learn

When ever I have an opportunity to come home to DeLand...after a race, or for the cold months, or just to visit...I always look forward to relaxing and just kicking back with my family.
Anyone who has ever met my family will be laughing right along with me. RELAX is not a word that is understood on the McLarty Farm! When I'm training hard in COS, I have these images of sitting and watching TV, maybe sleeping-in, reading a book, etc.
Of course, when I get here...it's nothing like I dreamed. For each of the three days after the St. Anthony's race (of course, it wasn't much of a race for me due to bike mechanical problems) I have put in miles on the bike, meters in the pool, and more miles on the running trails!
My mom and I swam in the lake today and to make our swim speeds even...I had a kayak tied to my right ankle! My dad and I went on the 30 mile Airport ride this afternoon...but not without heading out an hour early to get 20 extra miles! I visited the Daytona Beach Swim team yesterday afternoon and Coach Steve had a nice hard set of 150s to wear me out!
I have decided that it's in Florida that I should be having dreams of relaxing when I get back to Colorado Springs. At least I don't have to cook for myself at the OTC and that wipes out about 1 hour each day that I can maybe exchange for a cat-nap of sorts:)
Tomorrow morning I will be saying good-bye to ol'McLarty's Farm again and departing the oxygen-filled-sea-level for the mile-high-COS. I'm flying out of O'Town to COS via Denver...keep your fingers crossed that the check-in people aren't having a bad day and try to charge me $85 for my bike box (I didn't make one penny on this trip so I'm already in a financial hole from this race...no need to dig it deeper:).


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