Researching: Cheju, South Korea
I thought I would hop on my computer for a bit and find some information about the place I will be living and training for two weeks in September. One quick Google search for "Cheju" and I was overloaded with information.
I also opened up Google Earth and did a flyover from the USA to the island of Cheju (now known at Jeju). It's not part of the mainland of Korea, it's the really big island directly to the south of the Korean peninsula.
Pretty self-explanatory...a map of the island. In the middle of the island is a large mountain with a volcanic crater in the center (Mt. Halla). I don't know exactly where our accommodations and 'home base' is located on this map...I will figure that out when we arrive.

Obviously some pretty epic beaches line the shores. I hope we take full advantage of that blue water and do a LOT of open-water training!
All the websites talked about all the multitude of hiking trails on the island...this one climbs up to the top of the volcanic crater (an estimated 8 hour-round trip hike...probably won't see that on our training schedule).
There are a TON of beautiful waterfalls on this island. Some of them inland and some of them pour off the cliffs right into the ocean.
"The island turns yellow with forsythia and other flowers in the spring." I ripped that quote right off a travelers-guide website...but it describes this photo perfectly!
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