Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Blogging Blind

I almost had a heart-attack yesterday! It took a 1-hour-Skype call to my home, on the other side of the world, to calm me down and get some reassurance.
Basically, the problem was this: I COULDN'T LOAD MY BLOG PAGE! Here I was, sitting at my computer in China, trying to look at the post that I just uploaded to make sure that it looked good. I tried every way I could possibly think of to get to my blog...I clicked on it from my 'Favorites' list...I went to my web-page and tried to see it there...I logged into my Blogger.com page and tried to 'View Blog'...but nothing was working. All I was getting was "Internet cannot display web page." I wrote a frantic email to my dad, asking if he could view my blog. In the elevator going to dinner, I had another USAT member ask me what was wrong with my blog because they could not see it!
At this point, I was beginning to resign myself to the fact that it might have disappeared into the World Wide Web, to never be seen again. That is, until I got on Skype with my family in Florida and they told me that NOTHING was wrong with my blog...they could access it just fine...and they could read my new posts uploaded while in China.
And then the answer was discovered...if you think back to where I mentioned WHERE in the world I am sitting on this computer...China CENSORS web-pages!!!! So if you are connected to the Internet in China, you can not open ANY web-pages hosted by 'blogspot.com'...I can't watch some Google and YouTube videos...and I'm sure the list goes on and on...but I don't have that much time to search the Internet!
Speaking of time...it's TIME! I'm all decal-ed, suited up, race ready, and heading out the door in 10 minutes to ride down to the course for the race! I'm meeting Haskins, Groff, and Ertel in the lobby at 8:00am to bike down, check in, warm up, and then RACE!!


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