Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Last Few Hours in Germany

Everyone is running in and out of the bike-storage room...packing bikes, packing bags, checking out of the hotel, searching for lost items, finding lost items, sending last minute emails, loading the vans, etc.
I'm finally sitting down for a few seconds of computer time. Between being sick, racing, training, and cheering this weekend...my computer time has been very limited. I thought it would be a piece of cake to write a daily journal for USAT. Usually, when I am traveling and racing at World Cup races I have hours of free time that I am just bored out of my mind. I can only assume that with so many different races going on, with spending the first 3 days in Hamburg in bed, with the weather always being questionable...I am just running behind schedule (like DAYS behind schedule because I finally feel like I could have a decent race today:)!
Everything of mine is packed...and if it's not packed, it's staying in Hamburg! As soon as everyone has caught up with me we are going to load the vans and drive to the pool. We got in a short bike ride this morning...just going back and forth on one mile of road for 40 minutes because the riding in this city is crap...before breakfast. We have plenty of time before our afternoon flight for a trip to the pool to do some more post-race-flush-out.
Who is still here and continuing on to Korea...Nate and Sarah Kortuem, Sarah Groff, Jarrod Shoemaker, Cliff English, Scott Schitz, John Crawley, and Matty Reed (is flying tomorrow). Who is joining us directly from the USA...Julie Swail, Hunter Kemper, and Doug Friman.


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