Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

I have had no success in regards to my foot problem that is keeping me from running (it's almost been a month now!). So today I saw the Doctor that comes into the Training Room once a week, after he finishes all his surgeries at the hospital!
Anyways, he thinks it's just a suck-y case of plantar fascia (we already knew that) but he had me get some x-rays of my heel, just to be safe...fortunately, they came back with no problems.
On the other hand, that means there is no simple answer as to why it hasn't gotten better during this time. So he said the next step is to put me in "Das Boot" (which translates to 'the boot' in a bad German accent)...so now I've got the walking boot and it is sitting on the floor next to my right shoe (I put away my left shoe, wont be needing that for a while). I will be wearing Das Boot 24/7, as long as I'm not in the water or on a bike. I have to admit, it does make walking a LOT less painful...actually pain free...so I guess it is a step in the right direction.
The Doc also put me on a strong anti-inflammation drug to help bring down the mess that is going on in my arch. I DO hate taking drugs...I would rather just deal with it and let my body figure things out naturally, but this is getting ridiculous and I have decided that my body is way past deadline and I'm sending in reinforcements.
The aqua-jogging sessions will continue, along with a good strength routine, and I will keep chugging away at rehab! Lets all hope for the best, very quickly!


Blogger Steve said...

Hi, Sara.

Good luck with your foot problem! I hope it works its way out and you are going again soon! ~S

6:05 PM


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