Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Flying, Flying, Flying

Tucson, here I come! If this darn plane ever LANDS! Geeze, I feel like I’ve been in a plane all day…2pm to 5pm flying from Orlando up to Washington, DC and then from 5:30pm to 7:30pm over to Tucson (and no, that’s not a 2 hour flight…figure in a 3 hour time change and it works out to a little over 5 hours). My legs are not loving me right now, should have packed the compression socks…but I actually don’t know where they are: Florida or Colorado??
I just did some math and I would be rolling into bed right now if I was still in FL…but I’ve got about another 45 minutes in the air, a long wait for my baggage, a drive from the airport to the hotel, and then finally I will be able to check in and crash in my hotel room. I heard that we have a hard bike/run session in the morning at 7:30am. At least I know that I won’t have any problems waking up in time…I can almost guarantee that my body clock will have me up and starving at 4:30am! Well, I will put those few hours to good use and build my bike so that I am ready for the workout…and probably have a few minutes to twiddle my thumbs:).
***Time passes***
The Residence Inn that we are staying at is really sweet. My room is a ‘single’ with just one bed…and a living room, bathroom, and full kitchen! I just fixed myself a hot cocoa to get ready for bed and I’m starting to feel the effects (it’s getting harder to keep my eyes open). Fortunately, we’ve got access to some free internet so I’ve already shot off some emails, checked out some websites that I read about in the United magazine, and posted this blog!


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