Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Last Bit of Energy

Hard training day today! I'm exhausted and going to sleep (to get ready for another big day). Thought I would mention my bike/run brick workout this morning...as funny as it sounds, I rode the Computrainer on a beautiful Florida day! Sometimes you just need to do the workout your coach writes, no matter how pretty the weather is, ya know? I also followed the bike session with a run OUTside! Yep, it was a pleasant way to switch-things-up from my regular road rides and treadmill runs.
As I came back down the driveway after my run, Buddy, our horse, was looking very lonely and forlorn. Yesterday, his girlfriend, Star, was taken away, never to return to the McLarty farm! POOR Buddy...he is heartbroken and lets us know every time he lets out a loud whinny in our direction. So, I thought I would at least give him some company and give him a good brushing. (I was way too sweaty and improperly dressed to take him on a ride...maybe on one of my off-days...whenever that might be!) I think he enjoyed having someone around him, even for a short period of time, and I promise to go riding soon!
I have to go riding SOON because I got one Birthday present, from my Mom, in the form of a brand new pair of riding boots! They are really sweet and I've always been envious of hers (as I ride painfully in old sneakers, she rides comfortably in her boots) so now I need to take advantage!
Okay, so after visiting with Buddy, I took a wonderful mid-day nap before dragging myself out the door for swim practice. The dark clouds were rolling in as I drove over to Port Orange, but I thought we had a chance to make it through swim practice. I mustered up some solid swimming for the Distance workout that Coach Steve gave and was pleasantly surprised with the times he was calling off (albeit, they were "Coach Steve Times" which always come with a bit of skepticism and the knowledge to add 1-2 seconds to get your 'actual' time).
So, by the time we were on the last set of the afternoon, and I was dying, I actually had no complaints when the thunder and lightning finally arrived and ended practice a few 50s early. I was a bit flustered because they called us out of the pool because I had just swam a set of 50s all-out and I could have used a few laps of warm-down...but you try explaining that to the weather!
Back at home, I couldn't weasel my way out of yoga because my Mom said she would go as well and I never enjoy letting her out-do me...so off to the airport for an hour of torture...oh, did I say torture? I mean stretching and relaxing, and breathing, and strengthening, and balancing, etc. I barely made it into the house for the evening, threw some leftovers in a bowl, called it dinner, and watched American Idol with the parents before calling it a night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found your blog and had to laugh at the "Coach Steve" comments!! I used to swim for him a LONG time ago and he was the SAME exact way!! It was a great confidence booster. Please say he still gives great pep talks.

12:46 PM


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