Here is proof! I made sure that someone got out the camera so that I would have evidence of me, Sara McLarty, doing real work!
Over the past year, my Dad and Mom have rebuilt the Greenhouse on our sky-windows, new treated boards on the outside, new doors inside, etc. I thought I would lend a hand in the least it sounded like one part where I could be helpful and useful (for all of the other building...I think I would be more of a nuisance).
Now that I have recovered from this amazing experience of 'real-work,' it's time to get back to my play-work that pays the bills! Tomorrow morning I am off to Clermont's Lake Louisa State Park for the Florida's Great Escape Triathlon. I've got my bags all ready and they are just waiting on some bottles to be filled with Gatorade (Lemon-Lime, if anyone was curious). It will be interesting to get to the race site and figure out what I forgot to's been almost five months since my last race and I'm hoping that I can still remember all the little items.
Ya know, I am the Queen of making LISTS. You would think that I already made a 'race day' list for myself...but that is not the case. Guess what I will be doing on Sunday afternoon when I get home and sit in front of my computer?!?
The thing that is hard about making triathlon lists is that everyone is different (some people wear hats on the run, others don't), the weather can affect what to pack (a cold-water swim needs a wetsuit, a warm-water swim doesn't), and the type of race is also important (an ITU race doesn't need a race-number-belt like a USAT sanctioned race). I might actually need to make myself a couple of lists:)
The race tomorrow is just a sprint distance and I'm doing it to get the winter-kinks out of my system and practice my race mentality. I thought about writing a 'Pre-Race Press Release' but I decided against the idea. Instead, I'm just going to write a post-race report and welcome all my friends, family, supporters, and fans to 'Race Season 2008'.
Actually, I waited to long to write the report...I'm a good procrastinator...and tonight is an important night of sleep: DAYLIGHTS SAVINGS happens at 2am on Sunday morning. Yes, that is correct, we LOOSE a whole hour of sleep tonight...and I have to go race at 8am! Actually, it will be 7am for everyone's body clock and for the amount of light we have! The light shouldn't be a factor once we are racing, could be a problem for warming-up before hand, but the COLD front that is chilling over Central Florida WILL be a problem...who invited these low temperatures to town??
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