Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

More Tucson

Another great day in Tucson is coming to a close. Since I’m still on Florida time, I was awake early…but since I didn’t have to build my bike, I just chilled in bed and watched TV. The breakfast bar opens in the lobby around 6:15am and I met Bec and Julie for some cereal and yogurt.
At 7:30am we headed over to the pool for morning practice. The sun wasn’t as powerful in the early hours so I don’t think I added to the burn that I’m rocking on my back from yesterday’s mid-day swim! We did a ton of pulling sets and I had no complaints because I knew the rest of the day was going to be tough on my legs.
After swimming, Julie, Bec and I got a ride to a great running trail for our second workout of the day. It was an easy jog and I enjoyed taking in the sights on the trail (spotted a few hares and lots of beautiful wild flowers) along with working on my form thanks to Coach Bobby’s advice. I even let Bobby put some acupuncture needles into my bum foot after the workout…which, as most people know about me, I made sure NOT too even glance at my foot when they were in place!
Lunch was the next important event of my day while relaxing in my suite in front of the TV with my computer on my lap. I had about 90 minutes before I started getting ready for the final workout session of the day: 2.5 hour bike ride. I put sunscreen onto EVERY inch of skin that wasn’t going to be covered with cycling clothes and filled FOUR bike bottles with water and ice.
We rolled out at 1:30pm into a fierce headwind (I just stayed tucked behind the boys, so it wasn’t that bad:). It was all new to me so I just followed along, took in some more sights, and even took out my camera a few times to click some photos while riding. Unfortunately, I can’t show you those photos b/c I forgot to bring my camera-computer uploading cord…that just means there will be a LOT of photos uploaded all at once next week when I get home!
To finish off a great day, I joined Julie and Bec for dinner at their suite. Both ladies are departing Tucson tomorrow so they had a dinner made entirely from ‘leftovers’ in the fridge. As a bonus, they had even more food stuff leftover and they just gave it all to me for my week here. So, big thanks to the girls for filling my fridge instead of their garbage can.
Tomorrow I’m looking forward to another morning practice, a strength workout at the Bally’s gym and then an afternoon massage! I can’t even remember when my last massage was…this will be a treat!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How does training in Tucson compare to Colorado Springs or at home?

8:58 PM


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