Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Back to Work

Sunday was a full travel day from the west coast and Monday was a full recovery day from that travel day.

I spent a lot of time in front of the computer screen catching up on work and shopping for house supplies. I continued the process of getting a job as a Lake County Substitute Teacher by signing up for "Fingerprinting" and a $58 background check to make sure that I am allowed to work around children. Then, I continued the process of getting recertified as a USAT Level 1 coach by signing up for another $20 background check to make sure that I'm allowed to work around people in general. If I get a job with the NTC next month as the Master's Swim Coach and Triathlon Specialist, guess what, I have to go get ANOTHER background check to make sure…well, I'm not sure what that one will check…maybe that I'm actually human?!?!

Do you know the saying, "You have to spend money to make money"? During the past month of my life, I have come to understand that it is very true. Before my first day as a substitute teacher, I will be out of pocket about $200…it will take me three days of work (at $75 a day) just to start making a profit. I mentioned the $58 background check…then the $40 drug test, the $15 online class that I took, $24 for my college transcript (and $25 to pay an old parking ticket before I could order a transcript)…add in some gas money to the Lake County School District, a few school supplies to build an 'emergency supplies' kit, and maybe some new clothes (have to look good) and I'm in this for the long haul!!

Now, I mentioned the USAT Coaching certification that I'm reapplying for…it comes with its fair share of strings attached. First, the $95 re-cert fee…which gets my name and location listed on a website of coaches and puts my email on a group-list that just fills my inbox with ridiculous messages from other coaches. Then the $20 background check mentioned earlier…$55 for a First Aid and CPR class next weekend…and since I don't know what is going to count for my 'Continuing Education Credits' for the past two years I'm foreseeing some more fees for exercise related classes in the near future.

If you really want to get technical about my future job at the NTC…I could count my house purchase, home improvements, gas money to Clermont, and all other moving related expenses to that event. :) I don't even want to start calculating how many days of coaching Master's Swimming it will take until I'm turning a profit!


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