Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The House

If I'm not in the Canyon, off training with friends, eating a meal, or starting my new jobs...then I'm in Clermont scrubbing tiles and cleaning grout!
Seriously, I feel like that has been my reason for existence since I returned from the Southwest! I've been at my house almost every day and I've been on my hands-and-knees with a scrub brush for most of that time...but the hard and boring work is paying off! I don't really have any photos to update the progress because there really isn't any big changes...other than more and more lines of clean grout.
I almost had a disaster story to share...after my first night of sleeping in my house, I went grocery shopping and returned to find that the AC was broken!! That was a fright-and-a-half...ever seen the bill to have a complete new system installed? But, thanks to the knowledge and skills of my father, we were able to have it up and running the next day with two new parts (a fan motor and a capacitor) and only a few hours without the effects of cool air filling the house.
And, now, it's time to get back to my favorite job...cleaning grout!


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