Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

The Olympics Are On!

I've got my laptop on my lap and I'm sitting upstairs in front of the TV watching all the great sporting action at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing! It is all so inspiring and exciting…especially seeing friends, teammates, and training partners walking in the opening ceremonies.
Right now, Ryan and Michael are up in the finals of the 400IM. Just think, there were only four American men between Dustin and this race!! Speaking of Duster, he's currently on his way home from Europe after a two week tour with his friend Kimmy. We've heard from him a few times via email and once on the phone…which I assume is because he's having so much fun that he doesn't fit in time to contact us. I told him to take a ton of photos and make a lot of memories so he could share a lot of great stories when he gets home.
But, before Dustin gets home, my Mom, Dad, and I have another long day of improvement projects at the Carroll St. house. I think we are going to roll out as soon as we are awake and fed. It takes about 75 minutes to drive the back roads…we take the back roads instead of paying extra to go on the toll roads. If I manage to roll out of bed by 8am, eat and load up by 9am, I might be starting to work by 10:30am. Since we have to be back in DeLand by 10pm in order to get to the Daytona Beach airport by 11pm to pick up my bro, it will be a little under 11 hours of working time.
Did I mention that my Dad and I had a great day of laying flooring on Friday?!?

Yeah, ALL day long…laying boards in my master bedroom.

Let me tell you…it looks BEAutiful! I'm so happy with my choice of wood and color. It goes great with the blue walls and white baseboards (and it looks great with me in it:).

I've also started painting the living room with a great yellow color...very bright, happy, and friendly.

In other house project updates, the guest rooms are going to be the first things completed. We put two extra coats of varnish on the flooring so it will shine and last for a long time. The only thing remaining before moving in furniture is re-hanging and repainting the closet doors. I've got beds, dressers, desks, rugs, and mirrors sitting in the garage ready to be carried inside. In the bathroom, we've installed a new curved curtain rod and curtain, a new medicine cabinet in the wall, a new vanity top and repainted the vanity, a new faucet, a new mirror, compact florescent bulbs in the lights, and a new toilet seat and flush lever.

Alrighty, who's going to be my first guest?!? I'm ready for ya!


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