Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Still Rainin'

This is what I left Florida for...RAIN like 24/7?!? I have been here 6 days...it has rained for 4 of them! But there is a silver lining to this rain cloud...at least it's not snow...and it's not really THAT cold...except when the wind blows and you are already soaking wet!
Today is a tough day workout wise...I've already done most of it...all that is left is a swim practice this afternoon (and these swim practices are like relaxation sessions for me) so I guess the hard part is OVER! But it sure didn't feel like it was going to end, let me explain:
WE RODE OUR BIKES INSIDE, ON THE TRAINERS FOR 3 HOURS THIS MORNING! I SOAKED 3 towels with sweat and drank 3.5 entire water bottles! It was absolute misery...the small silver lining to this cloud was I was able to workout and watch 2 movies at the same time!
I just can't understand NOT going anywhere on my bike...it's just a weird feeling...I would have enjoyed the whole 3 hours a lot more if I was out in the rain, pedaling somewhere! (Those of you who have always lived in FL will be the only ones who can understand me!)
30 minutes before the ride started, I got new pedals and cleats in the mail so I rushed to put them on. One word: HEAVEN! The old pedals on my bike were REALLY worn out and my foot was rocking in directions that were not normal...and I'm sure that I was loosing a TON of efficiency! It was an expensive replacement...but for more comfort and faster riding...it is well worth keeping all parts of the bike "up to speed":)
If swimming stays as planned today...from 6-8pm...we are going to entirely miss the hours that the OTC dining hall is open for dinner! Darn...that means that we will have to go out and explore the town looking for somewhere to eat dinner! More on that later:)


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