Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Monday, February 07, 2005

'Hi' from Chula Vista

Hey everyone, as the title of this post mentions...I am in Chula Vista! My flights from Orlando to Denver and Denver to San Diego were uneventful. The United people in Orlando did not even ask for a bike pass or payment for checking me bike (they could teach Delta a thing or two!) In Denver, a couple of the guys from the resident team got on the same flight as me. I already knew Manny ...I already knew Mark from the Japan trip 4 years ago...I met Logan in the Springs last April when I was there for swimming...and I met Nate for the first time. Great group of people...I met some more people when I got to the OTC: TJ, Rebecca, Sarah. Anyways...enough about the people...more about the VIEW! WOW...this place is beautiful, amazing, fantastic. The weather is a little wet today...it has sprinkled a few times and looks like it might continue to sprinkle during our bike ride in 40 minutes.
We had swim practice at 8:00am in the Loma Verde Pool...5400 meters (it's long course and outdoors). The main set was kinda hard...because I felt like I spent all of yesterday in a plane (wonder why) and the pool was about 82 degrees (I was sweating the second I jumped in!)
In about 40 minutes we are heading out on a 2 hour bike ride...according to my workout sheet for the week, this bike ride is: within my Z2 heart rate, working on my pedal stroke, minimal movement of torso, work the climbs, relax on the descents. I don't know if I am frightened or excited about attempting the climbs that are right outside the window! We're definitely not in Florida anymore, Toto!


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