Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Just Killing Time

It's just after 2pm on Wednesday afternoon.
By-the-way, Happy Halloween!
I just had a delicious lunch in the cafeteria (they had Pumpkin Spice Soup).
Earlier, I went to my automotive shop and got new tires and wipers installed on my car (that was a fun bill to pay:).
I should be on my bike right now...and I will be in a few minutes...no rush to do it during the day-light-hours because it is CRAP outside today! After cycling yesterday in shorts and shirts with a layer of sunscreen because it was so clear and warm...the weather is disgusting today! I woke up to a heavy, thick layer of low, grey clouds and a completely different temperature range than yesterday. So the only answer is to go put a DVD in the basement and hop on the Computrainer for a few hours (okay, a few half-hours).
I'm enjoying the little taper that we are on for the race this weekend...it would probably effect me a bit more if I was planning on FINISHING the race...but I can still enjoy the extra free time and the increased energy.
Swim practice was a fun event this morning. We pulled mini-sets out of a plastic pumpkin, ranging from 200 - 800 meters, drills, fast sets, fun stuff...it was all in the spirit of Halloween. Cliff even passed out candy treats at the end of practice...vanilla tootsie-rolls are my favorite item!
I just got an email from the Media-Director at USA Triathlon asking for my permission for NBCOlympics.com to use material from my blog for their Triathlon page. Gee, I wonder what my answer was? YES, of course! I checked out the website and was thrilled to see the OLYMPIC page covered with IRONMAN articles and news items...yeah, no wonder us ITU athletes have a hard time explaining what we do!!


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