Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

2 Days, And Counting!

Only 48 hours remaining of the 2008 Clermont training camp! Everyone has flights out of Orlando on Friday...and I'm driving back to DeLand on Friday. I've started packing up my clothes and toiletries, except for what I might need in the next few training sessions, and looking forward to getting back in my comfortable bed at home:)
I have volunteered to take all the remaining foodstuffs from the house...with 5 other people, there is going to be a LOT of leftovers, mostly non-perishables, but that will make for some yummy dinners on the McLarty farm! I am also looking forward to cooking for my mom and dad (cooking for one is never any fun) for the next few weeks.
Today was not an easy training day, we started with a killer 3 hour bike ride with about 90 minutes at race pace...followed that up with a run off the bike (or later at the NTC)...a 4pm swim practice with a nice up-tempo main set...and finished off the day with a half hour of weights/strength!
I'm still at the NTC, taking advantage of the free Internet. Tonight, I've got nothing but leftovers in the fridge to make into some kind of dinner and then I'll be chowing down in front of the hilarious American Idol try-outs (our house has become addicted in the past few weeks)!


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