Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Nashville is Beautiful!

I'm hanging out in my home-stay's home right now. We just got home from the all-day-expo and we've got a few minutes to sit down, relax, and watch some TV. In a few minutes I've got to go shower, change and look presentable for a night on the town in Nashville. I'm being taken to the Grand Ol'Oprey and a great restaurant for dinner...what could be more Nashville-ESQUE?
The expo was a lot of fun...and a very long day! I've got some photos that will be posted when I get home (I'm on John's computer, not mine:). I met some great people and hopefully entertained a few people with my one-hour talk. We also judged a hilarious fashion show that was the highlight of the day because the models were just average-joe-triathletes and they had the best time wearing all the new race gear!
Other than enjoying all my time here, I'm also completely FREEZING and wishing that I packed. Got to go get ready for a night on the town!


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