Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

One Talent I DID NOT Inherit

My Mother and Father (okay, mostly my Mother) just built this bed for some of her friends. Here is the email my Mom wrote and sent along with these photos:

hi friends,

thanks to nicole for the opportunity to use my brain a little bit!!

attached are some photos of the resulting project

the inspiration for the design is Cirque de Solei

anybody else out there looking for a special wood project? please keep
me in mind...

thanks, karen

As she mentioned above, the bed is designed around the Cirque de Solei theme: dancers, colorful, elemental, graceful, artistic, etc. There are four dancers in the headboard, each in a different position. The bottom of the bed has four drawers and each drawer has a handle that represents one of the four elements: Earth, Wind, Water, Fire. The posts are also very original and are stained to match the dancers and elements!


Blogger Pam said...

that is very cool - beautiful work

10:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your mother's work is AMAZING! That is crazy talent she has. I'm jealous. WOW! Go Mom!
-Melissa (a triathlete from G'ville-go Gators!!!)

10:43 PM


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