Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Rubbing Salt in the Wound

I rarely like to brag. Usually, I just don't enjoy getting pleasure out of someone else's pain.
But, there must have been something in the air today that has made me feel a bit different.
I know what is making me feel this way...it was all the SUNshine today!
I started out my morning, like usual, watching the news and weather while I munched on breakfast. I couldn't help but notice that they were calling for 2-3 inches of snow in Colorado, some wet/sleeting conditions in the northeast, and mid-80 degree temps in Sunny Central Florida.
So, I made the most out of my easy training day (yes, I said EASY training day...those have been rare in the last two months) and put on a bikini for an hour of sun-bathing at the lake-shore-beach. I'm paying for each of those 60 minutes that I spent lying on my back on a towel...my front side currently matches the color of Pepto-Bismol!
OUCH! But worth every second that I'm not dealing with snow in April!


Blogger Dee said...

...we had 60's yesterday in NY. Felt like summer! ;-) Rain for the next couple of days...thanks for "rubbing salt" in my wounds (he he he!). The kayak pics are great! Hope you are feeling awesome and ready for St. A's!!!
Dee :-)

7:39 AM


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