Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

...and a Happy New Year

Christmas '04 is over! It was a fun day here at the McLarty Farm...although not much time was spent on the 'farm' because it RAINED the entire day! So the family just chilled inside, played card games, watched TV, ate food, opened presents, played Texas Hold'em (Dustin won), etc.
I enjoyed all the gifts I recieved...hot pink retro bike jersey, the first 6 of the "A Series of Unfortunate Events" books, "Supersize Me" DVD, 1GB card for my digital camera, and lots of other cool stuff! I hope that everyone enjoyed their Christmas gifts from me...and if you didn't get one...I'm sending lots of love and good cheer in your direction.
I am currently in the middle of week 3 of training. It's going to be hard but there is a light week after this to recover. Monday training started with morning swim practice, followed by a 6 mile jog at noon, and finishing off with a 35 mile ride with a huge group of people. Today was all pool work...I actually swam twice today...and went over 10,000 meters (my shoulders can attest to this:). Tomorrow starts with a nice brick workout...25 ride followed by a 6 run (with Yvonne who is a marathonner so its not like I can keep up on the run or anything)!
That's about it from this side of town.
I hope everyone was able to spend the holidays with loved ones and has a great new year!!!


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