Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Going GREEN!!!

I feel like I have always been an environmentally conscience person...I print on both sides of paper, I reuse paper and plastic bags, I use glass cups instead of paper cups in the cafeteria, I do some of my errands on my bike, I sign up for the all-electronic-billing options, etc. But, after a suggestion from a family member, I'm actually going to start doing more for the environment.
The environment is where I make my living...I breathe the air...I swim in the water...I run on the land...I want to treat it better. I don't want this to turn into a short-term fad for myself, so I'm going to take small steps. And at the same time, I'm going to encourage everyone else to take those small steps with me. Eventually, I want to encourage major changes (like encouraging the OTC to be more conservative and environmentally friendly and asking triathlon races to be carbon-neutral) but I have to prove that change is possible on the individual scale before I try to tell other people they should make huge changes.
Today, I took my first major step to 'Go Green'. I joined GreenDimes...it's a for-profit organization that does all the work to stop junk mail from being mailed to you. They estimate that each year, we use 100 Million trees and 28 Billion gallons of water just to mail all those catalogues and fliers that go straight from the mail box into your garbage can! What a waste!
Lately, I have found a ton of junk piling up in my OTC mail box...when you order from one company (online or by mail), they love selling your address to other companies! When I get back from a long trip or race, I literally fill up my garbage can with Useless Junk Mail while I'm sorting out my checks and letters from my Grandmother (who else still writes letters via snail-mail?:)
This GreenDimes company also plants one tree a month for each of it's members...they work with orginizations that encourage re-forestation and sustainable farming in Third World Countries. Check out the website for more information! So, I'm going to get less junk mail here and have 12 trees planted somewhere in the world...it's a small step, and I'm excited about this new path I'm walking.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey- thanks for your post about GreenDimes! We really appreciate your taking the time to tell others about our service. Make sure you check the site from time to time and see what new ideas we are working on to help make our world a better place. Take good care and thanks again for mentioning GreenDimes on your blog!

2:22 PM


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