Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Animal Kingdom & H100

Being a Florida resident automatically means that I never visit any of the Disney attractions. Unless...good friends are in town from out-of-state and invite you to come along for a day at Animal Kingdom. Saturday morning started with another early alarm clock because I wanted to get my swim workout over with.
Too bad I didn't check out the NTC weekend hours BEFORE I went to bed! Arriving at 6am and finding that it opens at 7am...not so fun! I went home and back to sleep.
Eventually, I woke up again and headed down the road to join Jarrod and Alicia for a day of roller coasters, safaris, and overpriced food. Even though I had a sinus cold coming on, it was a fun day! The animals were all out because it was shady and cool in the morning.
After our feet and legs were completely exhausted, I said g-bye to the Bostonians and headed back to Clermont. It was by complete sheer determination that I made myself stop at the NTC on the way home and do my 5K workout...not too shabby for some timed 500s: 5:20, 5:17, 5:15.
By the afternoon, my cold was definitely here to stay for a few days. I knew that Sunday morning was dawning with the Horrible Hundred Century ride and my Dad was coming over so we could make the torturous adventure together. Unfortunately, after a night of tossing and turning and trying not to die from asphyxiation from snot:)...I was in no mood to ride all day in the killer hills. I rolled out, moaned and groaned my way up a few hills and then turned off for home after 30 miles...fortunately, my Dad finished the ride and even saw some friends along the route!
For the remainder of this freezing Sunday...I'm become master of the TV remote and haven't moved off the couch for more than the bathroom, the refrigerator, and feeding Louie. I'll sleep tonight propped up on at least three pillows and then it's off to Master Swim Practice in the AM.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sara, sounds like the weather and that "cold" got ya good! I am a firefighter here in Orlando and found your site thru the NTC triathlon camp website you will be hosting on January 3rd. I look forward to the event on the 3rd and now will keep track of your success as just reading some of your remarkable accomplishments has given me even greater inspiration to move deeper into the world of triathlons. May God Bless and I hope you feel better soon. A New Fan... Ken Rinaldi
Orlando FD

9:56 PM


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