I'm Recovering...Very Quick
My foot surgery on Monday morning went very well. I was checked in at 6am, on the table at 7am, and out the door a little after 8am! Dr. Funk reported that he took care of all the problem-causing elements in my foot...he was even surprised by the severity of some things. (And, somehow, that just makes me so proud...I think I am too much of a competitor!!)
Big thanks to my Dad for waking up early to drive me to and from Orlando...he was even able to install a shutter job while I was in surgery, talk about multi-tasking!
I was still completely numb from the ankle down (local anesthesia) for the whole drive home and it only started wearing off around noon. I attempted to 'manage' the pain but it was able to get the best of me for most of the evening. I was popping the pills like crazy and watching the numbers on my watch slowly changing until I could take another pill!
I spent the whole day on the couch in front of the TV and I realized that the fewer the commercials, the less I was in pain. As soon as my mind was easily distracted, my foot was aching...as long as I was focusing on whatever silly movie/show I was watching, I barely noticed it. By the way, A Mighty Wind is hilarious! If you liked Best in Show...I think you'll like this one too.
So 9pm rolled around and I was getting tired and cranky. My Mom suggested I head downstairs to bed (big thanks to Mom for running around all day bringing me things...she doesn't want to climb the stairs anymore). Here's a suggestion: after 10 hours with your legs propped up OVER your head, don't just jump up and start walking down some stairs with crutches and a bad foot!!!
Yep, I nearly fainted in the middle of the trek down, slid on my butt for the last few steps and then took a nice long lie-down on the floor at the foot of the staircase! The tile floor was nice and cold and helped me get blood back to my head.
After that, all I wanted to do was brush my teeth and climb into bed. I didn't know I was going to fare through the night...and I was pleasantly surprised to sleep soundly from 10pm to 7am! The only times I woke up were when my Mom or Dad came in to check and make sure I was still alive (they were slightly concerned with the number of pain pills I had popped:).
And now it is almost noon on Tuesday. I am thrilled to report minimal pain coming from my left foot and even more thrilled to report I haven't taken any more pain pills! My first activity this morning was a refreshing shower where I employed the towel/trash-bag/rubber-band method perfected by my Mother after her surgery.
I've been sitting in a lounge chair on the front porch since breakfast. The weather is beautiful outside and I've got wireless Internet, a good book, a bottle of Gatorade, and a cat keeping me company. The birds are chirping, the bugs are buzzing, and the wind is blowing!

Thanks to EVERYONE who sent me emails, left me phone messages, and directed positive thoughts my way. I really, really appreciate it and I look forward to making you all very proud when I get back on the starting line!
Big thanks to my Dad for waking up early to drive me to and from Orlando...he was even able to install a shutter job while I was in surgery, talk about multi-tasking!
I was still completely numb from the ankle down (local anesthesia) for the whole drive home and it only started wearing off around noon. I attempted to 'manage' the pain but it was able to get the best of me for most of the evening. I was popping the pills like crazy and watching the numbers on my watch slowly changing until I could take another pill!
I spent the whole day on the couch in front of the TV and I realized that the fewer the commercials, the less I was in pain. As soon as my mind was easily distracted, my foot was aching...as long as I was focusing on whatever silly movie/show I was watching, I barely noticed it. By the way, A Mighty Wind is hilarious! If you liked Best in Show...I think you'll like this one too.
So 9pm rolled around and I was getting tired and cranky. My Mom suggested I head downstairs to bed (big thanks to Mom for running around all day bringing me things...she doesn't want to climb the stairs anymore). Here's a suggestion: after 10 hours with your legs propped up OVER your head, don't just jump up and start walking down some stairs with crutches and a bad foot!!!
Yep, I nearly fainted in the middle of the trek down, slid on my butt for the last few steps and then took a nice long lie-down on the floor at the foot of the staircase! The tile floor was nice and cold and helped me get blood back to my head.
After that, all I wanted to do was brush my teeth and climb into bed. I didn't know I was going to fare through the night...and I was pleasantly surprised to sleep soundly from 10pm to 7am! The only times I woke up were when my Mom or Dad came in to check and make sure I was still alive (they were slightly concerned with the number of pain pills I had popped:).
And now it is almost noon on Tuesday. I am thrilled to report minimal pain coming from my left foot and even more thrilled to report I haven't taken any more pain pills! My first activity this morning was a refreshing shower where I employed the towel/trash-bag/rubber-band method perfected by my Mother after her surgery.
I've been sitting in a lounge chair on the front porch since breakfast. The weather is beautiful outside and I've got wireless Internet, a good book, a bottle of Gatorade, and a cat keeping me company. The birds are chirping, the bugs are buzzing, and the wind is blowing!
Thanks to EVERYONE who sent me emails, left me phone messages, and directed positive thoughts my way. I really, really appreciate it and I look forward to making you all very proud when I get back on the starting line!
So happy the procedure went well and you are doing better today! Take care and recover quickly! Steve
9:13 PM
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