Now that is a GATOR CHOMP!!! That's actually the first Gator chomp by a McLarty while breaking the finish banner...Dustin has officially beat his big sister to that acheivement! He is also DOMINATING the Publix Family Fitness Weekend Points Series!!
Upon my departure from college and as I approach entering the real world...a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Although I will be living farther away...you will all be closer to my heart.
The professional men were scheduled to start at 6am but with delays and things, it finally got started at 6:15…which delayed the women’s race start 15 minutes as well. That gave me a bit of time to stretch, pee, and get into my wetsuit before diving into the cold water for a short swim warm up. I felt really excited on the starting line and was ready to race the top American women. The horn sounded and 25 women sprinted down the beach into the 67 degree water. I tried to use the same strategy as the Honolulu race…create a small group of women in front of the main pack and then let them draft off my feet so we could get a BIG lead out of the water…this time it was a VERY small group, only my roommate Sarah Haskins was able to stay on my feet.
I feel a bit late writing about my race in Long Beach! After meetings, traveling, unpacking, training…it’s taken a bit of time to finally write about the Pro Triathlon National Championships in Long Beach, California on Sunday!! Remember, I only do a short and fun recap here…if you want the official “Race Report” that comes via e-mail!
I’ve heard from a few people (my mom, dad, and brother) that The Escape From Alcatraz triathlon TV show aired on Sunday morning in Florida! I don’t know if that was the only showing…I don’t know if it played everywhere at the same time…I don’t know if I looked good:)?!?! But if you happened to be watching TV and see the broadcast, I hope I didn’t ruin the ending by telling you who won (and who got third in the women’s race:)!!
Travel this morning was very easy. I had to get up at 4:30am (that was the worst part) for the 4:45am shuttle van to the airport. I used some miles to upgrade into First Class for the flight…I got a nice nap in the big seat!
Today started out like 50% of my days normally do…with the alarm going off at 7:34am followed by a quick trip to the bathroom. 8:00am swim practice was the first job of the day. Since we are racing this weekend in the Pacific Ocean, I took my Orca Wetsuit to the pool to remember how it feels.
I was afraid it was going to start off wrong because I woke up naturally at 7:30am when my alarm usually goes off for swim practice! But I rolled over, put a pillow over my head and woke up again at 9am…a respectable time for a required ‘sleep in’ day.
Let’s start with me…I’m in Colorado Springs, training and hanging out with my teammates. Today was a crazy training day…we started with swim practice at 8am and pounded out 5-grand in the pool…we had 10 minutes to change into our bike gear and then we rode to Gold Camp road…we did 2 ascents of the road (Cliff’s instructions were to ride as hard as possible ‘to failure’) and then road easy back to the OTC. After lunch and a short nap I did a run on the trails with some 5K efforts mixed in. It was a tough day but I was really happy with how I felt in all three sports. One more day of key workouts and then Monday is the start of our taper for Nationals.
I’ve got 40 minutes before my next training session. It’s been go-go-go since the alarm went off this morning…and the end is getting closer, but I’m not there yet!
The week since my race in San Francisco has passed so quickly. I got back to COS on Sunday night (actually Monday morning) and then got right back into everything on Monday. Training has been really good during the last couple of days.
This morning started off with a great training session on the bike…we rode ‘out east’ for warm up and then did some 10 minute group efforts, in pace lines, taking one minute pulls. It was great to work with my teammates on a hard workout…Jaz, Jess, Sarah, and Sam were all strong on the ride. After a 30 minute section of effort on our own, we rode easy back to the OTC. It was H-O-T outside when we were riding (8:30 to 11am!) and I went through 3 bottles of water!
I’ve been back in COS for a few days now…enough time to finally unpack my bike and bag, do some laundry, and catch up on e-mails. The weather in Colorado is breaking record high temperatures…I’m glad I was in the cool breezes of San Francisco last weekend while it was 97+ degrees here!
Here’s a great story! About 3 or 4 weeks ago I got an e-mail from a young girl who asked me some questions about open water swimming. I was more than happy to share some of the tips and techniques that I have learned from my experience and replied to her email with my answers. (I might have gotten carried away, my reply email was a bit excessive:) Anyways…
I swam, biked, and ran my way away from Alcatraz! The Escape was a success!
I’m sitting in the Royal Ground Coffee shop on Fillmore Street in San Francisco right now…I picked this place because of the large “FREE INTERNET” sign on the outside window. I’ve already drank my hot cocoa while I was reading and replying to my e-mails and now that I have a nice sugar buzz…it’s time to write a blog post:)!
Lots of things on my “To-Do-List” today…and they all have to be done TODAY because I leave for San Francisco tomorrow morning. Here’s what I’ve got to accomplish in the next few hours: