Good Grief!!
I was on my bike yesterday from 1:30-3:00. I headed out south on 115/Nevada for some rolling hills (and a change-up to my typical riding locations). It was a beautiful day as I headed out and for 50 minutes, the ride was sunny and bright...and then I turned around and started heading home. That's when things went down-hill (literally and figuratively because the ride actually has more downhills on the way back:)...these massive dark gray clouds had moved in from over the mountains and they started dumping their contents on me. HAIL!!!
What the!?!? It was May 29th...2 days until the month of June...and I was getting HAILED on in the middle of the day. The temperature must have dropped 7 or 8 degrees in a few minutes because I was not dressed in preparation for HAIL, rain, and cold winds!
I was thankful for one thing...the sun that was shinning when I departed the OTC...I wore my sunglasses and they saved my eyes from multiple chunks of ice that were aimed right for my retinas:)! Fortunately, I made it home safely and not frozen...with just enough energy to quick-change into my running gear and hop on a treadmill for the completion of my Brick I was actually going to go run OUTside in that of the rare times I'll voluntarily get on a treadmill.
Speaking of Brick workouts...Tuesday afternoon's bike-run brick was one of 5 (yes, FIVE!) brick workouts that are on my schedule this week! Today I also had an afternoon bike-run brick...with beautiful weather the whole time. Tomorrow morning we are doing another bike-run brick downtown on the Monument Valley trail. Friday, like Monday, is a rare non-brick day. Saturday morning we will be riding our bikes on the pool deck for another fun swim-bike brick session. And the training week ends with a Sunday morning (or whatever time I get around to starting) bike-run brick!! Look out Vancouver and Des Moines (my next two races)...I am not going to have any problems switching from swimming to biking and then biking to running during the race...lots and lots and lots of practice!:)